Beautiful Fall Evening : Yard Work Galore

Anyone remember that commercial that aired last year where the guy woke up on Saturday to a vision of himself standing over him in his football jersey?  He like , “This is the Sunday Version of You and if you don’t want to miss out on Sunday football you better get your butt out of bed and get to working on those chores”

That’s me every evening before a day off.  Because if you know anything about me it is that on days off I like to get out and see and do new things.  The last thing I want to do is be stressed out by a massive “hunny do list”  P.S.  I am my own hunny 🙂 and my to-do lists are self inflicted.

So it’s one of those “in between autumns.”  Cold enough to where the leaves are falling and warm enough to where the grass is still growing.  Double trouble.  I have a massive lawn and a shit ton of trees to boot.  So it’s time to get to work.  I didn’t get started soon enough last year and most of the leaves stayed buried under the snow.  To hell with that.  That’s a pain in the ass in the spring.

So I spent a few hours this evening knocking out some yard work.  Safety tip: Don’t be a dumbass like me.  When you are racking leaves, wear gloves.

As the sun goes down, I am chilling on the deck with a cold knowing that I will have the freedom tomorrow to do whatever I like before I’m right back at it on Friday

Note to self.  Time to get a fire pit


Author: billshappinessproject

I was near the end of 2016 when I realized that my life was totally out of balance. I was 30 and I was working my life away. I did not have strong relationships with my wife, family, or friends. It was around this time that I came across THE HAPPINESS PROJECT by Gretchen Rubin. It was then that I decided to launch my own year long project towards personal happiness for the entire year of 2017.

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